Given a Winforms app I struggle to get anything that isn't grey and clunky. Give me a web application and I can make a UI that sings and dances, looks pretty, and is a joy to use. Here is the thing, I really, really suck at Winforms coding. KryptonDockingManager.As I have just been asked to prototype the front end application for the reference architecture that I have recently designed, I was in need of some help. KryptonDockingManager.ManageFloating("Floating", this) KryptonDockingManager.ManageControl("Control", kryptonPanel, w) KryptonDockingWorkspace w = kryptonDockingManager.ManageWorkspace("Workspace", kryptonDockableWorkspace) In the interest of completeness, this is anycodings_krypton the code you need to write: private void CreateDockWorkspace() It looks like there is no way of anycodings_krypton actually removing the close button but anycodings_krypton you can intercept it and then ignore the anycodings_krypton event. anycodings_krypton I can see that this question was anycodings_krypton answered here Page.ClearFlags( KryptonPageFlags.DockingAllowClose) KryptonPage page = NewPage("Tools 1 ", 2, br) Page.ClearFlags(KryptonPageFlags.DockingAllowAutoHidden | KryptonPageFlags.DockingAllowDocked) KryptonPage page = NewPage("New Tab", 0, br) Add the control for display inside the page Private KryptonPage NewPage(string name, int image, Control content)

KryptonDockingManager.AddDockspace("Control", DockingEdge.Left, new KryptonPage ) KryptonDockingManager.ManageFloating(this) KryptonDockingManager.ManageControl(kryptonPanel, w) KryptonDockingWorkspace w = kryptonDockingManager.ManageWorkspace(kryptonDockableWorkspace) Private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) KryptonDockableWorkspace.Dock = DockStyle.Fill

Public partial class frmMain : KryptonForm Screenshot of Form designer using controls 2įollowing screenshot of ruining application anycodings_kryptonĪpplication ruining time for close menu anycodings_krypton item for block i want it Screenshot of Form designer anycodings_krypton using controls 1 There are details about my code for clear anycodings_krypton understandingįollowing screenshot is Form designer about anycodings_krypton using controls Visual anycodings_krypton Studio 2015 Community How to block KryptonPage for close and i anycodings_krypton need to remove button of docking area and anycodings_krypton context menu option for close