You may want to choose specific segments of your existing footage, starting and stopping playback at a specific point, or to create a loop that will animate a continuous action: a fish spinning around in a circle, a rocket blasting off, or a character running across the screen repeatedly, for example. Don't forget the sound that you want to add to your finished product! During editing, you can add dialogue and other key elements of your video to give your characters life. During editing, you can add emphasis, change minor elements of your subject, or add audio clips, credits, and more. If you need to do any editing on your images, you'll need to do it one frame at a time as you move through your animation. It can take a lot of shots to create your finished product, but it's well worth the effort! 3. At a minimum, you should expect to need 12 images per second to capture your stop motion video. Traditional film uses approximately 24 images per second.

A wavering camera or off-center set of images will make it appear as though your subject teleports from place to place or jumps around the screen, which is often not the effect you're looking for! By setting up your camera on a tripod, you can keep your subject perfectly centered and in focus as you create your video. In order to capture stop motion video effectively, you will need to still images captured in exactly the same location. Follow these steps to make the most of your video. With modern technology, creating and capturing stop motion video is easier than ever. Stop motion software helps bring all of those still images together, creating a comprehensive, flowing video from those still frames. Stop motion is an animation technique in which the creator takes stills of the image, then combines them to create a flowing video that creates the illusion of movement. Looking for information on how to do stop motion animation? Read on to learn more. When the video plays back, it will create a cohesive sense of movement. Far from the days of claymation, modern stop motion video allows the creator to create the sense of movement in otherwise stationary objects by moving those objects in the increments between capturing each piece of the video. Stop motion video is an excellent creative tool for portraying growth and change over time.